Vă e sete vara asta? O veţi stinge cu aşa ceva?

Îmi amintesc fără plăcere cum în primii mei ani americani, dând peste binefacerile societăţii de consum ca tot tânărul picat proaspăt din comunism, am înghiţit cu plumb, fir şi cârlig cu tot, vrăjile unui sistem creat de către nişte imbecili destepţi, pentru cei mai fraieri decât ei – una dintre ele a fost fireşte Coca-Cola.

Obişnuiam să beau coke mai abitir decât trăgeam aer în plămâni, că dacă tot era calitatea originală şi mai ieftin ca apa…

Ca să scurtez povestea, odată aflat într-un parc cu familia, m-a apucat inima de gât şi-a trebuit să mă aşez pe-o bancă.. Mi-am luat pulsul: era către 200 şi nu făcusem deloc efort fizic. Atunci mi-a picat fisa.

Am aruncat pe canal restul sticlelor din cămară spunându-mi că dacă o înlocuiesc cu cafea (măcar are antioxidanţi), voi scăpa de adicţie. Ei bine, vreme de o lună am tremurat ca un drogat în aşteptarea următoarei prize. Cafeaua nu făcea nimic pentru mine şi deci m-am pus pe investigat. Ce am aflat, m-a lăsat paf:

concernele Coca-Cola şi Pepsi-Cola, sunt cele mai mari importatoare din lume a frunzelor de coca din Ecuador şi alte ţări ale Americii latine. Din frunzele acestea este extrasă cocaină, dar nu de tot. Mai rămâne acel 2% care conferă „high”-ul acela şi gustul care te leagă pe viaţă. Nu-i de mirare că am tremurat ca o frunză până ce în fine am scăpat de ea!

Şi cât de bine m-am simţit după aceea, trecând pe apă minerală, fructe, miere şi alte bunătăţi naturale!

Un comentator treaz mi-a trimis următorul text, pentru a cărui veridicitate atest, cel puţin la partea cu ficatul de pui şi petele de rugină dizolvate. Când te gândeşti cât de frumoase, ba’ de-a dreptul nostalgice sunt reclamele cu moş Crăciunul american care se răcoreşte cu ce altceva, decât cu un pahar de coke ? Şi noi naivii care îi lăsăm un pahar de vin şi o prăjitură pe masă, în noaptea de Crăciun…

Ce este mai bun decit sa fie insotit prinzul nostru sau pizza de la cina de o Coca-Cola rece.
Racoritoare, digestiva si mai ales “fara de moarte”. Nu cumva insa, in spatele acestora se ascunde ceva ? Exista ceva ce nu stim ? Ce este, in fine, acest lichid negru spumant pe care-l numim Coca-Cola ?
Cititi .
In multe state ale Statelor Unite ale Americii politistii cara doua galoane de Coca-Cola intr-un camion ca sa curete singele de pe drumuri in urma accidentelor.
– Daca puneti o friptura (o bucata de carne) intr-un bol cu Coca-Cola va disparea dupa doua zile.
– Ca sa curatati o toaleta turnati in scoica WC-ului o Coca-Cola si lasati “cunoscutul gust” sa stea pentru o ora dupa care trageti apa. Se va fi curatat in mod impecabil si va straluci de curatenie. Acidul citric al Coca-Colei face sa dispara toatele petele colorante de pe suprafetele sticloase si de pe portelanuri.
– Ca sa scoateti rugina de pe aparatoarele cromate ale autovehiculelor frecati cu o bucata de folie de aluminiu mototolita si inmuiata in Coca-Cola.
– Ca sa curatati contactele (polii) unei baterii auto de coroziuni varsati peste acestea o Coca-Cola.
– Ca sa slabiti un surub ruginit (cu piulita) puneti deasupra lui o cirpa inmuiata cu Coca-Cola pentru citeva minute. Petele de rugina, in general, se inlatura dintr-o singura miscare daca puneti peste acestea o cirpa inmuiata cu Coca-Cola.
– Ca sa scoateti petele de grasime de pe haine adaugati o Coca-Cola in masina de spalat impreuna cu detergentul si demarati programul normal de spalare. Coca-Cola ajuta la eliminarea petelor.
Sau la spalatul cu mina, varsati Coca-Cola peste pata impreuna cu detergentul si apoi frecati ๎n mod ciclic.
– De asemenea, Coca-Cola ajuta la eliminarea petelor si neclaritatilor de pe parbriz.
– Coca-Cola are acid fosforic cu pH 2,8 (3,4 dupa altii !) Poate sa dizolve un cui in timp de patru zile. (PH-ul are valori cuprinse intre 1 pentru acizi si 14 pentru baze. Un pH de 7 se considera neutru.)
– Ca sa se transporte principala solutie concentrata de Coca-Cola ar trebui ca si camionul-transportor (cisterna) sa utilizeze semnul “Hazardous Material”, care inseamna “Produs de mare pericol”.
– Firmele care dispun de Coca-Cola o folosesc ca sa curete motoarele camioanelor lor de mai bine de douazeci de ani !
Acest produs il bem !
Normal ca-l folosim si pentru a curata petele noastre.
Si pe deasupra platim pentru asta ! Corect ?
Informativ :
– Valoarea medie pentru aciditatea racoritoarelor gazoase este de 3,4. Aceasta cantitate de acid este suficient de puternica ca sa dizolve dinti si oase ! Corpul nostru inceteaza sa mai “construiasca” oasele aproximativ la virsta de 30 de ani. Dupa aceasta virsta oasele incep sa se dizolve in fiecare an prin intermediul urinei noastre, depinzind insa intotdeauna de aciditatea mincarii pe care o ingeram. Calciul diluat ajunge in artere, in vasele sanguine, in piele, in tesuturi si in diverse organe (in rinichi rezultatul este formarea pietrelor renale).
– Racoritoarele nu au deloc elemente naturale (in comparatie cu vitaminele si apa naturala). Contin mult zahar, au o mare aciditate si coloranti. Multi oameni prefera sa bea bauturi gazoase dupa fiecare masa. Va imaginati care este consecinta ?
– Consecinta ?!
– Corpul nostru are o temperatura indicativa de 37 grade Celsius pentru procesul digestiei enzimelor. Temperatura racoritoarelor gazoase este cu mult mai scazuta de 37, de mult ori apropiata de zero grade. Aceasta diferenta de temperatura are ca rezultat influentarea procesului de prelucrare a enzimelor si generarea stresului in sistemul nostru digestiv determinind ca acesta sa digere mai putina mincare. in realitate mincarea fermenteaza. Mincarea fermentata genereaza mirosuri urite, gaze, putreziciune si
toxine, care sunt absorbite de catre intestine si astfel intra in singe de unde se distribuie in intregul organism. Aceasta raspindire a toxinelor contribuie la generarea diferitelor boli.
Citeva exemple :
– Acum citeva luni a avut loc un concurs la Universitatea din Delhi : “Cine va bea mai multa Coca-Cola ?” Cistigatorul a baut 8 sticle si a murit pe loc din cauza supra-dozei de “bioxid colorant” (cernelat) in singe si a lipsei oxigenarii. De atunci, decanul a interzis categoric racoritoarele gazoase la bufetul universitatii.
– Cineva a pus un dinte spart intr-o sticla cu Pepsi-Cola ; in timp de zece zile acesta s-a dizolvat ! Dintii si oasele sunt singurele parti umane care ramin intacte destul de mult timp dupa moartea noastra.
Va imaginati ce poate face aceasta racoritoare sensibilelor noastre intestine si in ce hal poate ajunge interiorul stomacului nastru?
Calduros apel catre toti :
Trimiteti acest mesaj tuturor prietenilor vostri astfel incat sa largim informarea referitoare la ce sunt racoritoarele gazoase.
Mai doriti deci sa beti o Coca-Cola sau un Pepsi-Cola ?

44 răspunsuri

  1. Un offtopic – Ceva se intampla in Libia – profetia despre atacarea europei de arabi e pe cale sa devina realitate – Gaddafi a aparut pe 1 iulie cu un discurs despre instaurarea unui regim de DEMOCRATIE DIRECTA in care tot poporul este implicat in luarea deciziilor – este o idee radicala care nu convine deloc grupurilor oculte de banditi occidentali – in presa „oficiala” e silentio stampa – regimul actual din libia reuseste sa coaguleze mase imense de populatie – intrati pe pagina asta –

    • E a mirarii, cel putin pt mine ca gaddafi sa fie altceva decat o alta „victima” pre-fabricata dupa sistemul Saddam Hussein, al Irakului. Nu uit ca „baba Vanga” prezicea ca o putere militara isi va gresi tinta prin lansarea unei bombe de mare putere. In loc sa cada bomba pe pamant, aceasta ar putea nimeri in Mediterana, OTRAVIND tot ce e viu in largul coastelor Europei de Sud, astfel incat nimeni sa nu mai manance din Mediterana. Deocamdata, trece si acest nenorocit de 4 Iulie, fara sa se fi detonat vreo valiza nucleara pe undeva. 4+7=11?
      Sa ne vedem cu bine!

  2. Pulsul, frecventa cardiaca, heart-rate, nu poate fi masurat la valori de peste 150/minut decat cu aparatura de monitorizare cardiaca. E greu sa spunem ca am prins 3 batai pe secunda. La peste 170-200, deja e fibrilatie, cordul nu se mai contracta eficient, practic, tremura ca o piftie si se poate muri sau, intra in coma, prin hipoxie cerebrala sau si infarct miocardic prin slaba oxigenare a insusi muschiului cardiac de catre sangele arterial din circulatia coronara, cardiaca. Sa fereasca Bunul Dumnezeu de asa ceva!
    Am facut si eu fibrilatie atriala de la Pepsi cu Ness 3x 300ML de Revelion

  3. Pepsi si Coke sunt excelenti detergenti de faianta si de vase WC, imi spunea cineva din SUA. Pepsi de aici are un gust oribil, fata de ce era in anii lui Ceausescu! Exista pedeapsa cu moartea pt furt de esenta de Pepsi pe vremea aia…

  4. Eufrosine, cu tot respectul, dar articolul asta e foarte slab. Nu neg faptul ca Coke e o porcarie de suc, ca toate celelalte de altfel, sau chiar mai nociv. „Tot cancer e”, ca sa citez un bun prieten. Totusi informatiile pe care tu le prezinti sunt doar mituri. Ai testat asa ceva? Ei bine, am facut-o eu! Iti garantez ca nici un os, si cu atat mai putin un metal nu se dizolva in Coke in 4 zile si crede-ma ca nici macar tampitii de americani nu isi spala motoarele cu Coke. Am testat si mitul cu pata de rugina; aceasta nu dispare ci devine mai putin intensa si acelasi efect il au si alte sucuri – Sprite, Schweppes, etc. Cat despre dependenta data de Coke, nu ma pot pronunta cu exactitate, insa nu cred ca este vorba de un ingredient special care sa o provoace. Eu beau Coke rar si niciodata nu simt nevoia sa imi cumpar. Ar trebui totusi sa mentionez ca nu sunt o persoana vicioasa – nu fumez, nu consum alcool decat ocazional si cu limita si nu sunt atras de jocurile de noroc.

    • In viata e bine sa fii optimist dar numai intre anumite limite.
      Cat despre dependenta data de Coke, nu ma pot pronunta cu exactitate, insa nu cred ca este vorba de un ingredient special care sa o provoace.”
      Credinta este un apanaj al religiei iar cand e folosita in alte domenii duce la rezultate nefericite.
      Ignorand experimentele de care va indoiti, nu v-a atras atentia faptul ca acesta otrava contine cocaina?
      Lumea se imparte din ce in ce mai mult in cei ce stiu si cei care nu stiu (sau refuza sa stie)!

      ” Coca-cola was introduced in 1886 as „a valuable brain-tonic and cure for all nervous afflictions”. It was promoted as a temperance drink „offering the virtues of coca without the vices of alcohol”. The new beverage was invigorating and popular. Until 1903, a typical serving contained around 60mg of cocaine. Sold today, the drink still contains an extract of coca-leaves. The Coca-Cola Company imports eight tons from South America each year. Nowadays the leaves are used only for flavouring since the drug has been removed – though molecular traces of cocaine REMAIN. What happens to the discarded cocaine is obscure.”

      „So, in 1989, the business of Coca-Cola Company changed, They lessened the trace of cocaine in their beverage for distribution in the United States. And their U.S. market share centages began leveling off. It had nothing to do, really, with competence or incompetence of their marketing big cheeses, their advertising agency personnel, or anything of the sort. In the U.S., those opening up a container of Coke did not get that same „kick” they got from the drink in years past.

      On the other hand, elsewhere in the world, sales of Coke outran most every local beverage. And there were plenty of foreign beverages with traditional flavors. Yet, Coke outsold them. WHY? Simple. For foreign consumption Coke had cocaine in the secret base.

      So those drinking Coke overseas, subconsciously got addicted to Coca-Cola. It made them feel better, some thought it even made certain pains and troubles seem to go away. And Coke’s marketing experts spread the fairy tale that it had to do with their great brilliant advertisements on television, even in places where only ten per cent of the populace had tv sets.

      I was addicted to coke from the age of 15 to 38, I felt so ashamed that I was such a victim to it, the worse thing was that I got to a stage where I just wanted more and more of it, it was distracting me from everything, I constantly had to take breaks in work to get it, at weekends I would get up in the morning and if I had no coke would be on edge until I got to a shop. I tried to quit lots of times over the years but people always made little of my attempts and said „oh for goodness sake it’s just coke and I would go back on, just giving in it. At the end I was really bad, I couldnt get through a few hours without it, got ratty, headaches etc. I really think I was like a smoker. I went on lucozade often for a change but that is full of caffeine too so was fooling nobody. Then one day I decided enough was enough, how could I be so weak, if people can quit smoking, alcohol, drugs etc I was going to do same, I literally cope one day at a time, the first few weeks were hard, I would buy smoothies a lot and eat sugary sweets, but now I just drink cold pellegrino at my desk in work and everytime I feel like a coke (which I still do) I just force myself to drink water, it is a huge change of life and habits but I feel so much better, am sleeping better, my digestion feels so much more normal, have lost bloated feeling, and am generally more calm I think. I really sympatize with people who have addictions, it is terrible, but if you put your mind to it you will quit. It’s going to help your health hugely so go on…start tomorrow….

      Read more: How can I get rid of a serious Coca Cola addiction? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/15492#ixzz1RF8rSoU4

      • Trezeşte-te, numele de coca de unde crezi că e luată, tocmai de la frunzele de coca care erau folosite la fabricarea băuturii până ce s-a dovedit că aceasta creează dependenţă. Pe urmă s-a inventat reţeta secretă care bineînţeles foloseşte aceaşi coca sau poate mai rău, chimicale.

    • O fi de vina diferenta dintre „originale” si otravurile, culmea si alea’ contrafacute, care se vand la noi!

      • Treaz, comentariul tau e propagandist si pe un ton superior. Eu mi-am spus punctul de vedere, nu sunt un om perfect si nici n-am pretentia sa fiu, dar nu tu esti in masura sa judeci credinta mea! Si mai citeste in DEX ce inseamna „a crede”. Limba romana are mai multe intelesuri, ca nu vrei tu sa accepti asta, e problema ta.
        on topic: Haiduc numele vine de la acele frunze, dar acum Coke e o porcarie plina de chimicale si atat. Cel putin cea comercializata la noi asa e, cum a spus si Eufrosin.
        Eu apreciez foarte mult ce face Eufrosin si daca nu as crede ce zice nu m-as mai obosi sa il citesc, doar ca eu sunt mai realist si nu vad in tot ce misca numai conspiratii sau rautate. Sa-ti dau un exemplu: am fost si sunt in continuare impotriva vaccinurilor cum sunt cel de col uterin sau cel pentru presupusa „gripa porcina”. Dar nu sunt naiv sa crezi ca toate vaccinurie sunt nocive.
        Sa fiti sanatosi si bucurati-va de viata, ca asta conteaza cel mai mult! Cu credinta vom izbavi!

        • Stai calm că cola din America e tot la fel cu cea de aici şi pretutindeni. Cea care are gust cat de cat mai bun este cea la sticla, nu la pet sau cutie, dar înăuntru e acelaşi produs. Lăsaţi cola într-un pahar vreo 2 zile apoi beţi lichidul acela ca să vă daţi seama de adevaratul gust.
          Oricum e vară acum, se găsesc vişine, zmeură, etc, deci se poate face sirop care se bea cu apă plată sau minerală, eu aşa fac.

        • Imi pare rau ca nu am fost mai clar, ca sa poti pricepe fara un efort deosebit.
          Nu m-am indoit de inalta ta credinta religioasa si ca ai numai vicii usoare, ci am incercat sa-ti sugerez ca nu poti „crede” ceva ce nu stii/pricepi si ca e caraghios pentru un adult sa contrazica ceea ce este evident, respectiv faptul ca aceasta blestematie contine cocaina.

          Daca cele spuse mai inainte nu te-au convins, poate cele de mai jos vor fi mai de folos, daca nu pentru tine, macar pentru altii.
          In plus, faptul ca acesta otrava duce la adictie, ar trebui sa-ti ridice un semn de intrebare. Daca e vorba de cafeina,cum se explica faptul ca cei cu adictie la cafeina au cu totul alte simptome fata de iubitorii de Coca Cola?

          „Because cocaine is naturally present in coca leaves, today’s Coca-Cola uses „spent,” or treated, coca leaves, those that have been through a cocaine extraction process, to flavor the beverage. The coca leaves are imported from countries like Peru and Bolivia, and they are treated by chemical company Stepan, which then sells the de-cocainized residue to Coca-Cola. Some contend that this process cannot extract all of the cocaine alkaloids at a molecular level, and so the drink still contains trace amounts of the stimulant. The Coca-Cola Company currently REFUSES to comment on the continued presence of coca leaf in Coca-Cola.”

          „It is illegal to import or possess the (Coca) leaves under U.S. law — unless you’re the Coca-Cola company. In an effort to preserve the traditional flavor of the best-selling drink, the company long ago convinced the U.S. government to exempt it from the law.”
          The secret history of Coca-Cola, coca leaves and cocaine
          Coca-Cola is the only U.S. corporation that has been granted the right to legally import coca leaves into the United States, via a coca processing lab known as the Stepan Company). In 1922, the Jones-Miller Act banned cocaine imports into the United States, but Coca-Cola (and its lab) was granted an exception. This exception remained a secret until the late 1980′s when the New York Times seemed shocked to discover the truth.

        • @nazy
          E o legitate a naturii ca daca crezi in una din minciunile oficiale, structura mentala pe care o ai te face sa crezi si in alte minciuni oficiale din domenii diferite.
          Asa cum se vede si in cazul vaccinurilor.

          Alte „adevaruri credibile” ar fi:
          – Sistemul heliocentric
          – Numai de bine in UE
          – Multe/toate religiile sunt oarecum adevarate
          – Cei mai mari oameni ai Romaniei intre razboaie au fost fascisti
          – Ca si Papa – evolutia ca si extraterestrii sunt subiecte credibile
          – In urmatoarele sase luni va fi mult mai bine
          – Tziganii sunt persecutati
          – Ce nu vad nu exista (out of site, out of mind – zice englezul)
          – Nu exista grupuri care vor sa descrestineze/ucida omenirea
          – Crimele comunismului nu au existat sau au fost neinsemnate
          – Lumina ne vine de la CNN

          Iar despre:”Sa fiti sanatosi si bucurati-va de viata, ca asta conteaza cel mai mult!”
          Aveti un predecesor, numit Candide, adus noua de jupan Voltaire, cu aluzie la ce pregateau satanistii sai pentru crestini, in 1789, asa numita Revolutie „Franceza”.
          Acest Candide era suta la suta optimist, indiferent de ce se intampla.
          Pana la urma a ajuns sa fie condamnat la moarte prin metoda noua „revolutionara”, ghilotina. In drum spre esafod, era vesel. Intrebat care ar fi motivul, avand in vedere ca va muri, a raspuns optimist:
          „Putea fi mai rau, sa ma jupoaie de viu!”

          • Interesant. Deci sa inteleg ca dupa tine sistemul heliocentric e o minciuna a „sistemului”?

            • Eram sigur ca va exista reactia de tipul de pe vremea parintilor nostri: „Stiinta invinge!”
              Expresia „dupa tine” este o eroare. In astfel de probleme mintea noastra e neajutorata si trebuie sa ne bazam pe Sfanta Scriptura si pe Sfintii Parinti si nu dupa gandirea noastra slaba.
              Cateva surse, mai sunt si multe altele, mai jos. Observati ca si unii heterodocsi si-au dat seama de adevarul geocentrismului.
              Heliocentrismul ca si evolutionismul, „teoria” relativitatii si multe altele au fost concepute pentru a demonstra erori in Sf. Scriptura, de la care sa decurga ca religia crestina este falsa.
              Desi scopul e acelasi, in fiecare etapa istorica demonii au alte metode si desigur alte slugi.

              Parintele Dan Badulescu din Bucuresti, impreuna cu multi altii:



            • Trimisesem un mesaj mai complet dar s-a pierdut.
              Mai jos e cel putin un inceput despre geocentrism.
              Ca si alte (cu adevarat) teorii (deci nu adevaruri), sunt inventate ca sa zdruncine credinta crestina mantuitoare.
              Observati gunoaiele care „descopera” aceste minciuni stiintifice, se trag din acelesi categorii de blasfemiatori posedati.


          • @treaz, stai sa inteleg. Deci sistemul solar nu se invarte in jurul Soarelui? Si matale afirmi asta pentru ca asa zice ceva parinte din Bucuresti? Nu cumva toate planetele se invart in jurul Bucurestiului?
            Imi este foarte greu sa inteleg oamenii care au internet, telefoane, masini, ba chiar par sa stie sa citeasca, dar inca sunt convinsi ca Pamantul e centrul Universului, stelele sunt o chestiune de decor, dinozaurii sunt o inventie americana.

            • Vicus, draga! Sunt atatea probleme arzatoare pe pamant. Mai gasim timp spre a deschide dispute pe tema faptului ca Pamantul e neted sau rotund? Adevarul este strecurat cu abilitate prin mlastini nesfarsite de minciuna. E greu sa credem in altceva decat in Dumnezeu. Minciuna e de la satana, la fel si multe alte rele. Cine m-a mintit odata, mai are vreun credit in ochii mei? Hai sa iti spun despre un fapt aproape anectodic. Stim cu totii ca acul magnetic ar fi fost inventat de catre chinezi si ca a constituit candva un instrument ajutator pentru navigatorii din alte secole. La fel se stie ca Nordul geografic nu ar fi fost niciodata acelasi cu Nordul magnetic, ultimul, fiind relativ deplasat catre Est. Am magnetizat un ac de seringa, l-am petecut prin 3 bilute de polistiren l-am depus pe apa si ce crezi? La 10 dimineata arata o directie N-S, mai spre miezul noptii, o alta, iar a doua zi revine la aceleasi ore, aratand cam aceleasi directii din ziua precedenta. Ce sa inteleg de aici alta decat ca trebuie sa folosim GPS sau busola gyro-compass. Daca te uiti vreodata la Luna, o mai vezi ca acum un an? Eu, nu! Are o aura aproape bleu-electric, asa cum nu am vazut-o vreodata, in anii trecuti. Mai mult! Privita cu un ochi, Luna apare intr-un fel, diferit fata de privirea cu celalalt ochi. Multe nebunii se arata. OZNuri peste Londra, filmate de cine vrea ziua in amiaza mare. Toate sunt din sarabanda inselarii noastre.

            • @Marian, ca de obicei, total pe langa discutie. Nu te mai deranja, te rog.

            • Vicus, nu de dispute ducem lipsa ci, de Dumnezu, daca observi.

            • Inca un drac e pe cale sa cada:
              Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur: „Căci cei nebuni îşi închipuie că nimic nu stă pe loc, dar aceasta li se pare nu din obiectele văzute, ci din ochii care văd. Deoarece ei sunt nestatornici şi buimaci, ei cred că Pământul se roteşte cu ei, dar el nu face asta ci stă nemişcat. Tulburarea este chiar starea lor, şi nu vreo schimbare a stihiei”

              Sfântul Vasile cel Mare: „Unii filosofi ai naturii spun, cu cuvinte elegante, că pământul stă nemişcat din anumite pricini: din pricina locului pe care îl ocupă în centrul universului şi din pricina distanţei, totdeauna egală cu marginile universului; de aceea nu poate să se încline în vreo parte; aşa că rămâne neapărat nemişcat, pentru că distanţa egală, pe care o are din toate părţile de jur împrejurul lui, îi face cu neputinţă înclinarea în vreo parte. Locul acesta din centrul universului, pe care pământul îl ocupă, nu l-a dobândit nici ca o moştenire, nici prin sine însuşi, ci este locul lui firesc şi necesar… Deci corpurilor grele le este proprie mişcarea înspre jos; iar josul, aşa cum s-a arătat, este centrul. Să nu te minunezi, dar, dacă pământul nu cade în nici o parte; nu cade, pentru că ocupă, potrivit naturii lui, locul din mijloc. Trebuie deci neapărat ca pământul să rămână la locul său…
              Vor fi de acord şi cei ce sunt împotriva spuselor mele că pricina care face ca pământul, care este mai greu decât apa, să stea suspendat în mijlocul universului…”

              Fericitul Augustin: „Atunci, fie ca filosofii să nu cuteze a ne tulbura credinţa cu argumente legate de greutatea corpurilor; căci nu mă ostenesc să cercetez de ce ei nu pot crede că un trup pământesc poate să fie în ceruri, în vreme ce întregul Pământ nu atârnă de nimic. Căci pesemne că lumea îşi păstrează locul din centru prin aceeaşi lege catre atrage la centrul ei toate corpurile grele.”

              Daca chiar esti interesat de adevar, ai de citit nu gluma, dar merita: http://www.hexaimeron.ro/IntrebariFrecvente/ObiectiiStiintifice.html

            • @Eufrosin, mare dezamagire pentru mine. Un inginer care sa creada asemenea ineptii… Am inteles ca in urma cu 2000 de ani era greu sa iti imaginezi ca Pamantul e rotund sau ca se invarte in jurul Soarelui. Dar suntem in 2011, lucrurile sunt evidente, cineva care a trecut prin 5 ani de facultate ar trebui sa priceapa lucrurile stiintifice si sa respinga chestiuni pseudo-stiintifice bazate pe misticism. Eticheta de crestin nu trebe musai corealata cu cea de incuiat.

            • Pai tu poti ramane dezamagit Vicuse, eu prefer sa raman in adevar. Presimt totusi ca nu ai argumente stiintifice in apararea teoriei heliocentriste si ca probabil nu te-ai obosit sa studiezi argumentele pe care le ofera cei de la hexameiron. E exact ca si gogorita cu dinozaurii care s-au zbenguit pe-aici chipurile acum 100 de milioane de ani, pentru a se transforma apoi in zacaminte de titei… Daca le inghiti pe astea, esti nevoit sa crezi si restul, adica ca te tragi din maimuta si nu ca esti creatia suprema a Lui Dumnezeu. Asta e scopul minciunilor astora.

            • @vicus
              Eu am renuntat sa ii mai raspund acestui treaz. El invarte cuvintele in asa fel incat sa iasa tot cum vrea el, chiar daca tu spui altceva. Iar „minciuna” cu sistemul heliocentric a pus capac…chiar nu merita efortul. 🙂

    • Un consumator de cola nu mai are nevoie de anticonceptionale. In tarile din America de Sud este consumat pe post de anticonceptionale, fiind mai ieftin decat anticonceptionalele.

      Am vazut un vestic dependent de cola. Bolnav rau de tot ! Terminat !

  5. Coca Cola a fost modificata in ultimii ani (reteta mai exact),pe masura tehnologia a avansat,asa ca ce e acum pe piata e total diferit de ce era acum 20 de ani..Poate cola facea ceea ce ai enumerat tu in acest articol acum ceva ani,insa acum nu.Asta nu inseamna ca nu e nociva.Am un amic,fost coleg de generala care 2 ani a baut numai coca cola,tremura daca nu consuma cel putin 2 litri pe zi si tot timpul era cu sticla dupa el.Ce crezi ca are acum?Daca ai sa zici diabet in cel mai nasol stadiu,atunci ai ghicit.E foarte palid,slab si o calvitie accentuata……si totul de la cola si la doar 30 de ani.
    Sa nu mai zic ca mai era un mit cu aceasta cola,ca daca o lasi la fiert ,dupa ce lichidul se evapora,va ramane pe fundul vasului ……COCAINA.Fals.Daca era adevarat,iti inchipui cati narcomani am fi avut?sau cati deal-eri? :)))

  6. Recomand cartile lui William Reymond: <> si <>. Au aparut in Franta si nu stiu daca sunt traduse in romaneste.

  7. eufrosin ai primit mail-ul?
    sigur l-ai scris corect mail.com? nu cumva este gmail.com?

  8. Eufrosin,cauta pe youtube despre „disposable coffins” – sunt in Georgia si la marginile tuturor oraselor mari din sua….m-am ingrozit cand am vazut filmuletele .

  9. Date: Wednesday, 6-Jul-2011 15:01:54 PT-1

    Understanding the Bilderbergers and their way of thinking and what they are planning!

    Also, some hard facts…..and very grim reading! Be warned! See Conclusion. Here’s a few extracts……..
    From Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase and beyond, the system is imploding: banks, financial markets, bond markets, housing markets. And now, we can add the United States to the list of bankrupt nations. US dollar has lost 12% of its value in one year. And China, for the first time, has become a net seller of US treasury bonds. What it means is that the bond bubble is about to explode and when it does, take a front row seat and enjoy the fireworks. This is once in a lifetime opportunity.

    China´s warning was reiterated at the Bilderberg conference by a first time Chinese delegate, that USG´s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing.

    The Bilderberg Group is not the end, but the means, to a future One World Company Limited.

    The ultimate goal of this nightmare future is to transform Earth into a prison planet by bringing about a single globalised marketplace, controlled by One World Company, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a dumbed down population whose life´s needs will be stripped down to materialism and survival “ work, buy, sex, sleep“ all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move.

    And it is becoming easier because the development of telecommunications technology together with profound advances in present-day knowledge and new methods of behavior engineering to manipulate individual conduct are converting what, in other epochs of history, were only evil intentions, into a disturbing new reality.

    Each new measure viewed on its own may seem an aberration, but a whole host of changes, as part of an ongoing continuum, constitutes a shift towards total enslavement.

    By Daniel Estulin of DanielEstulin.com; via Domas Jefferson

    The background

    In the world of international finance, there are those who steer the events and those who react to the events. While the latter are better known, greater in numbers, and seemingly more powerful, the true power rests with the former. At the centre of the global financial system are the financial oligarchy today represented by the Bilderberg group.

    Bilderberg organization is dynamic, in that it changes with the times, absorbs and creates new parts while excreting the remains of the decaying parts. Members come and go, but the system itself has not changed. It is a self-perpetuating system, a virtual spider web of interlocked financial, political, economic and industry interests with the venetian ultramontane fondi model at the centre.

    Now, Bilderberg isn´t a secret society. It is not an evil, all-seeing eye or a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. There is no conspiracy even though a lot of people with their infantile fantasies see it as such. No group of people, and I dont care how powerful they are, sit around the table in dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world´s future.

    Bilderberg is not a Cartesian fantasy world, in which the isolated intentions of some individuals, instead of the dynamics of social processes, shape the course of history as the movement of evolving ideas and themes over successive generations. It is clinically significant, that today´s more popular varieties of wild-eyed conspiracy theories, reflect the peculiarly pathological style in infantile fantasy associated with the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Harry Potter cults. The characteristic form of mental action these cults express, is the magical power of the will, acting outside real physical space-time dimension.

    It´s a meeting of people who represent a certain ideology. Bilderberg is a medium of bringing together financial institutions which are the world´s most powerful and most predatory financial interests. And at this time, it is that combination which is the worst enemy of humanity.

    Not OWG or NWO as too many people mistakenly believe. Rather, the ideology is of a ONE WORLD COMPANY LIMITED. Back in 1968, at a Bilderberg meeting in Canada, George Ball, the then Under-secretary for Economic Affairs with JFK and Johnson said: Where does one find a legitimate base for the power of corporate management to make decisions that can profoundly affect the economic life of nations to whose governments they have only limited responsibility?

    The idea behind each and every Bilderberg meeting is to create what they themselves call THE ARISTOCRACY OF PURPOSE between European and North American elites on the best way to manage the planet. In other words, the creation of a global network of giant cartels, more powerful than any nation on Earth, destined to control the necessities of life of the rest of humanity.


    One of the key discussion points regarding Iraq centered on the future of the US mission in the country given that the eight-year occupation is coming to an end. Under the heading “What rights do we have in Iraq? Bilderberg delegates discussed whether the USG is entitled to some kind of squatters rights.

    For now, this issue is off the charts, but in the foreseeable future the story will undoubtedly get lots of mainstream attention. What concerns everyone involved is the last page, the ending to the Iraqi occupation. If the US military leaves Iraq, something that most Bilderberg delegates do not see plausible, under what conditions and agreements will this be made possible?

    As one American delegate reminded his colleagues, as of October 1, 2011, full responsibility for the US presence in Iraq would officially be transferred from the military to the Department of State. Translation: we might well be sold a false bill of good by the mainstream press. USG has no intentions of ever leaving Iraq, even if ownership changes hands.

    What one US delegate stated can sum up US position on Iraq: when you think of Iraq, think big. Indeed, to understand US position in the country, one only needs to remember that the US mission in Baghdad is the worlds largest embassy, built for just under $1 billion and comparable in size to the Vatican and visible from space.

    One European delegate asked point blank if after eight years of war, anyone can truly say that it was worth the effort. At a staggering cost of trillions of US dollars, over five thousand US lives and over a million innocent Iraqis killed few can admit to the spectacular failure of the mission. With the supposed upcoming transfer of power from the Department of Defense to the Department of State, one is left to wonder exactly what will the US mission be in Iraq beginning in 2012. As another European Bilderberg retorted: “It is anyones guess.

    The US delegates pointed to the fact that there is a stable government in the country as a result of a democratically held elections. He was reminded that the initial reason for the invasion had to do with finding and eliminating weapons of mass destruction. The concern for their freedom was an afterthought, said one European. There was also talk of major financial investment in Iraq to jumpstart their weak economy. However, most attendees agreed that the investment was completely self-serving, centered on the US embassy and justifying its existence and costs.

    Middle East
    Let´s start with the conclusion: As cash for counter-revolution is dolled out by the billions, the future of the great 2011 Arab revolt looks grimmer and grimmer. Bilderberg fully backs draconian repression and perpetual war all across the Persian Gulf and is willingly using its staunch ally, Saudi Arabia to do it bidding. This war will include every nation in the Middle East except for Israel. Saudi Arabia is a strategic partner, not only because it is a repressive Monarchy and a dictatorship, thus unaccountable to an electorate, but also because of their oil as strategic energy reserve.

    Instability across the entire Middle East allows Bilderberg an excuse to push oil prices to a $150-180 per barrel. This would put tremendous political pressure on Germany and the European Union on the one hand and on China and its economic and political aspirations on the other.

    Keep in mind that no matter how you role the dice, Bilderberg wins.

    Back in the summer 2008, oil shot up to $147 a barrel, something I predicted back in May 2005, after the Bilderberg conference in Rottach-Egern where it was decided to manipulate prices to that level by the summer 2008. At the time, JP Morgan was advising the Chinese government that China buy all the physical crude oil because it is going to $200 a barrel. What few people know, is that almost all of the price of oil is pure speculation, manipulated by the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index. Thus, Wall Street controls the oil price irrespective of supply and demand. Rest assured, that this is all part of a long range objective to control not only the oil price but the world financial markets.

    If you take a closer look, Saudi Arabia has their fingers in every Middle Eastern pie. Take Egypt. The House of Saud has just given Supreme Military Council leader Field Marshall Tantawi US$4 billion in cash. In Yemen, the Saudis are buying Yemeni tribes with money, in the name of stability in the region. In Bahrain, they are overtly supporting the National Human Rights Organization whose president was appointed by King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa in 2010.

    Then, last week, at the White House, US President Barack Obama received Bahrains Crown Prince Salman al-Khalifa. For strategic purposes, oil-rich Bahrain is a key US ally in the Gulf region, and hosts the headquarters of the US Fifth Fleet.

    Finally, theres the Muslim Brotherhood to be understood in the context of the carefully orchestrated US/Saudi counter-revolution. From Syria to Egypt, Brotherhood is working very close with Egypts Military Council as a reqard for good behavior.

    Of great concern to Bilderberg is China’s entrance into African politics at the supra-national level as well as their protagonism in many of the African continents disparate corners. For years, China scoured the continent for natural resources virtually unchallenged. Now, the China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) is building a gigantic African Unions headquarters complex in Addis Ababa. If Brussels is the capital of Europe, than Addis Ababa is the newly crowned capital of Africa.

    Bilderberg has acknowledged that their corporations have been unable to compete with Chinese State owned companies because the price is right¦ free. What´s more, as Bilderberg readily admitted, China distinctly lacks the colonialist label that still taints European-African relations, which gives it unfare advantage in the area.

    Another area of concern to Bilderberg is Chinese deft northern African diplomacy. Under the radar, China is outmaneuvering the United States and its western allies. For example, Libyas foreign minister Abdelati Obeidi visit to Beijing allows China a major opportunity to counter American influence in the international arena, and enhance its image as a friend of the Muslim world. Furthermore, China has not missed the opportunity to enhance relations with new governments in Egypt and Tunisia after their leaders fell during the recent uprisings.

    China´s economic might
    According to the latest IMF forecast, Chinas economy will be the world´s

    China´s economic might
    According to the latest IMF forecast, Chinas economy will be the world´s largest in real terms in 2016” just five years from now. In real terms, meaning using purchasing power parities (PPP). That compares what people earn and spend in real terms in their domestic economies. Against the backdrop of Middle east conflict, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and destruction of the world economy greater doubts were raised over both the U.S. dollar and the giant Treasury market, which have been propped up for decades by their privileged status as the liabilities of the worlds hegemonic power.

    According to Bilderberg, whoever is elected U.S. president next year will be the last to preside over the worlds largest economy.

    Under PPP, the Chinese economy will expand from $11.2 trillion this year to $19 trillion in 2016. Meanwhile the size of the U.S. economy will rise from $15.2 trillion to $18.8 trillion. That would take Americas share of the world output down to 17.7%, the lowest in modern times. Chinas would reach 18%, and rising.

    For comparison, just 10 years ago, the U.S. economy was three times the size of Chinas.

    As Bilderberg recognizes, this is more than a financial perspective. It is the end of the Age of Americas economic hegemony. America overtook Great Britain as the worlds leading economic power in the 1890s and never looked back. There is a silver lining in this for the United States. To counterbalance Chinas economic encroachment, Asian nations are increasingly turning to the United States for support.

    As one Bilderberger admitted, the rise of China, and the relative decline of America, the so-called paradigm shift, or revolutionary changes in geopolitics, is the biggest story of our time.

    The discussion on Ireland was led off with sobering statistics which none of the attendees wanted to hear. Just like Greece, Ireland is an economic nightmare, close to becoming yet another European economic protectorate. Even though the official statistics of unemployment is up to 15%, Bilderberg internal numbers are much closer to 21%. Not to be outdone by the spectacularly bad news, the interest payments are half of all the income tax raised in the country and the debt is growing. What´s more, the total debt is 100% of Gross Domestic Product.

    Ireland´s unpaid bank debt, around 125 billion, as well as Irish State fiscal debt, courtesy of EU-IMF partnership has weighed down the Irish economy and Irish taxpayers with a burden so great that it is beyond Irelands capacity to carry it.

    What is inevitable, admitted Bilderberg attendees, is just like Greece, Ireland will need a second bailout from the EU-IMF. Others were even more blunt. The European Union is in a survival crisis, said one European Bilderberger. What seems to worry Bilderberg is the lack of fortitude and political will across the European Union. As one Bilderberg financial analyst stated, the markets are stuck between the rock and the hard place. The markets can cope with good news and they can cope with bad news, but what the financial markets cant stand, is indecision. And thats all we have across the board. Nobody has any ideas how to get out of this.

    But, as another Bilderberg bluntly reminded the attendees, it is not one but three crisis we have to deal with: a debt crisis, a political-economy crisis, and a political crisis. And as Bilderberg knows, it is impossible to deal with all three at the same time.

    Bilderberg has admitted that the Irish banks are in over their head, having tremendous difficulties raising funds, while at the same time, the banks are bleeding money, as people have lost faith in the system. With the Northern Rock experience in Britain still fresh in everyones mind, the Irish are not taking any chances. For now, the mainstream press has kept this information under wraps, but as Bilderberg admitted, it is just a matter of time before it explodes in our faces.

    One Irish Bilderberger admitted that the Irish banks could very well run out of money before the Irish government does.

    However, what worries Bilderberg is the reaction of the Irish citizens. As one Bilderberg asked, will Ireland want to borrow money to pay back the bondholders and European banks who gambled on the Irish boom?

    To solve the mounting crisis, European government is proposing a massive power grab as part of a long-range plan to save the Union. If the plan is approved, the EU government will set the rules in the future and police itself and any nation, which breaches the rules or disagrees with the draconian measures implemented by the EU, will have their voting rights withdrawn. As one European Bilderberg openly admitted, What we are heading towards a form of real economic government.

    Greece is dead. The message coming out of the Bilderberg meeting is unmistakable. Greeces troubles have not only exposed the structural flaws of the European Monetary Union, but have also exposed the structural problems in the global economy. Government officials around the world have responded to the debt problem by adding more debt. Unfortunately, piling debt on debt cannot solve the problem. This is what a Ponzi scheme, Las Vegas-like secret casino looks like. To keep the pyramid-like structure from acute economic collapse, more and more money is doled out by those wishing to keep the speculation going.

    The crisis response has only exacerbated a dynamic that created the crisis to begin with: Easy credit means debt. Historically, financial crises typically lead to sovereign debt crisis. And sovereign debt crisis typically led to currency crisis and extremely difficult economic times ahead.

    The sovereign debt crisis is still unfolding. Last year, Europe, trying desperation to solve the crisis of weak countries within the Euro zone, devalued the Euro and inflated away the debt in order to stop the downward spiraling. The problem is three fold.

    First of all, member states cannot devalue its currency to make its exports more competitive. Second of all, it cannot undertake an expansive monetary policy. Finally, it cannot mount an appropriately expansive fiscal policy because of the restrictions of the EUs growth and stability pact. Thus, as European member states do not control their monetary policies, debt devaluation becomes the only option. EU is literally backed into a corner.

    As Bilderberg admits behind closed doors, Greece can never pay back what it owes the markets. Never. And they are not the only ones. Former Dutch Finance Minister Willem Vermeend wrote in De Telegraaf that Greece should leave the euro, given that it will never be able to pay back its debt. And that´s something that Bilderberg elite know and understand very well. Real unemployment figures are around 19%.

    According to IMF Bilderberg attendee, 2012 projected unemployment figures for Greece will top 25%. Bilderberg can only pray this information never makes it onto the front pages of leading mainstream periodicals. At the 2011 meeting, Bilderberg was looking at ways to restructure Greeces debt, not for the benefit of Greece, but rather for the benefit of the financial elite who stand to lose their shirt if Greece fails. On the other hand, a default would destabilise markets and lead eventually to rating downgrades of other weak euro zone states such as Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal. ECB officials have repeatedly cited the risk of market turmoil in explaining their opposition to a Greek debt restructuring.

    One face-saving option being considered is a debt exchange. Holders of Greek bonds would exchange them for longer-dated bonds, giving Greece a few more years to pay back the 340 billion euro debt. However, for this option to work, private investors must be convinced to share the burden of rescuing Greece. If the option of private investors doesn´t work out, France was being considered as the backer of the debt exchange, according to sources at the Bilderberg conference.

    At the same time, the European Union and IMF are preparing to announce a second bailout of Greece, thus acknowledging that the first 110 billion euro rescue which was launched in May 2010 has been a spectacular failure as Athens misses its fiscal reform targets by a mile.

    But there is another problem with a voluntary debt exchange. How do you persuade investors who were burnt the first time to take part in it, again? In the end, if Bilderberg has their way, taxpayers will be burdened with a large part of the bailout of bad speculations and government debts. A second bailout will include unprecedented and draconian external supervision of Greeces economy, both public and private spending. This worries Bilderberg, especially in light of 2010 massive national protests across the country.

    The scenario of Greeces exit from the Euro is now officially on the table, as are ways to do this. As in Iceland, the Greek austerity measures are to be put to a national referendum – with polls reporting that some 85 percent of Greeks reject the bank-bailout-austerity plan. Greeces labor movement always has [missing portion]

    In Greece, more than 85% of Greek citizens are against the proposed reforms.

    China is Pakistans new best friend. This is a major geopolitical shift. It comes on the heels of Obama administration approval of aggressive tactics against Pakistan, amongst them, first use of nuclear weapons by NATO to prevent their potential use by terrorists or a rogue state. According to the London Sunday Express: US troops will be deployed in Pakistan if the nations nuclear installations come under threat from terrorists out to avenge the killing of Osama Bin Laden¦ Barack Obama would order troops to parachute in to protect key nuclear missile sites. These include the air forces central Sargodha HQ, home base for nuclear-capable F-16 combat aircraft and at least 80 ballistic missiles. Enter China.

    China´s warning was reiterated at the Bilderberg conference by a first time Chinese delegate, that USG´s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. The stakes are perhaps as high as they have ever been for the post-Cold War United States as Bilderberg dealt with quagmire in Pakistan.

    As one European delegate stated, US is the world´s most powerful nation, but it is not more powerful than the world. Everyone agreed on the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation.

    From geopolitical point of view, the USG is concerned with China´s increased protagonism in the region. China has built a port for Pakistan at Gwadar, which is close to the entrance of the Strait of Hormuz. US delegates expressed concern that the port might become a Chinese naval base on the Arabian Sea. This obviously affects India, US´s new best friend in the region. We have a perfect storm in the making. A nuclear US supporting a 1.2 billion strong nuclear Indian against India´s archenemy, nuclear Pakistan and their new best friend, a 1.4 billion strong nuclear China.

    Bilderberg´s attempt to create conditions for a Sino-Indian confrontation have Russia as one of the key players. With both Russia and China working diligently to bring peace to Libya, the purpose, as Bilderberg recognises is to reduce the influence of western powers, and ensure oil supplies for China from Libya.

    It still remains to be seen just how a consensus amongst Bilderberg attendees will be reached on the issue, but the US scenario is easily discernible. To effectively counter a Sino-Pakistani duopoly, Washington will seek a way to maneuver itself out of the confrontation by using India to do its bidding. By the time India and China realize that they have been played and used into mutual destruction by the United States, it will be too late for either to back down without losing face.

    Once again, the key to understanding India-China confrontation is Russia and its role in the future One World Government-One World Company Limited. Until Russia is subjugated, Bilderberg and their bidders cant realistically hope for full control. By eliminating both Asian superpowers, Russia will be left alone, surrounded by US missile bases and isolated from Europe by NATO, which now includes former Soviet republics, mostly antagonistic towards Russia.

    What´s more, as Bilderbergers agreed, a cultural degradation has left a large percentage of Russian youth admiring the US for its alleged freedom” as a stark counterpoint to the excesses of Russian “authoritarian” state, which they have been sold by the mainstream western press to be a mere continuation of the old Soviet system.

    With Russia eliminated, the US will focus its military on South America. Chavez will be overthrown, followed by his allies such as Ecuador and Bolivia.

    However, Pakistan is one part of the multi pronged Asian strategies set in motion by the US Government and Bilderberg. In 2002, one of the key issues discussed at the Chantilly Bilderberg conference that year centred on Bilderberg led plan for a 10-year war to eliminate terrorism, involving both military and diplomatic initiatives. It eventually became known as Operation Noble Eagle.

    In fact, Bilderberg understands that what we are in fact dealing with is an evolving process leading to an endless escalation of war across the global stage. Asia is one of the areas of operations. Middle East and Magreb is another.

    If we were living in the real world, the headline, which best describes the current financial situation would read: The end is near. We are in the middle of an economic financial meltdown. For Bilderberg high-financial managers the problem is how to postpone defaults for as long as possible“ and then to bail out, leaving governments (taxpayers) holding the bag, taking over the obligations of insolvent debtors. With overwhelming cross section of the worlds population against it, the trick is to override democratic politics.

    As Bilderberg agrees, for this to happen, economic policy must be transferred from elected government bodies to those of financial planners,making the economy entirely dependent on them, with public borrowing creating an enormous risk-free market for interest-bearing loans. This explains what George Ball, the then Under-secretary for Economic Affairs with JFK and Johnson said back in 1968, at a Bilderberg meeting in Canada: Where does one find a legitimate base for the power of corporate management to make decisions that can profoundly affect the economic life of nations to whose governments they have only limited responsibility?

    This is how financial oligarchy replaces democracy. The role of the European Central Bank, IMF, the World Bank, Bank of International Settlement, the Federal Reserve and other financial oversight agencies has been to make sure that bankers got paid.

    The problem with today´s system is that the world is run by monetary systems, not by national credit systems. If you are smart, you don´t want a monetary system to run the world. You want sovereign nation-states to have their own credit systems, which is the system of their currency. Above all, the possibility of productive, non-inflationary credit creation by the state, which is firmly stated in the US Constitution, was excluded by Maastrich as a method of determining of economic and financial policy.

    Now, in Europe, that can´t be done because in Europe, the governments are subject to control by private banking interests, called independent banking systems, which is blocked constitutionally from creating credit for governments. These institutions have the power to regulate government, and to dictate terms to government. Think about this institution within this European edifice called ECB. It tries to function like a European independent central bank, which has no government.

    There is no government. There is no nation. It´s a group of nations run by a private bank.

    The supposed independence of the Central Bank is the decisive control mechanism for private financial interests, which historically in Europe has been installed as an authoritative instrument against an economic policy of sovereign governments oriented towards the General Welfare. European banking is a remnant of a feudal society, in which private interests“ as typified by ancient venetian cartels or by the Lombard league which went down in the Dark Age in the 14th century.

    What we have today is not a liquidity crisis, but an insolvency crisis. The United States is now $14.3 trillion in debt.

    Plus, the government running up a trillion-dollar deficit for the third straight year, something no country in the history of the world has ever done.

    There is a confirmed double-dip in housing market with prices plummeting more than during the Great Depression and a fresh roll over in bank stocks, with companies like Bank of America and Citigroup giving up every penny of gains theyve made in the last two years, but it is not only Bank of America and Citi, it is every financial institution in America.

    From Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase and beyond, the system is imploding: banks, financial markets, bond markets, housing markets. And now, we can add the United States to the list of bankrupt nations. US dollar has lost 12% of its value in one year. And China, for the first time, has become a net seller of US treasury bonds. What it means is that the bond bubble is about to explode and when it does, take a front row seat and enjoy the fireworks. This is once in a lifetime opportunity.

    The Bilderberg Group is not the end, but the means, to a future One World Company Limited. This organization has grown beyond its secretive beginnings to become a key nod in the decision making of the elite. The ultimate goal of this nightmare future is to transform Earth into a prison planet by bringing about a single globalised marketplace, controlled by One World Company, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a dumbed down population whose life´s needs will be stripped down to materialism and survival“ work, buy, sex, sleep“ all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move.

    And it is becoming easier because the development of telecommunications technology together with profound advances in present-day knowledge and new methods of behavior engineering to manipulate individual conduct are converting what, in other epochs of history, were only evil intentions, into a disturbing new reality.

    Each new measure viewed on its own may seem an aberration, but a whole host of changes, as part of an ongoing continuum, constitutes a shift towards total enslavement.

    And as we watch the world go to hell in a hand basket, we find ourselves at the crossroads. The road we take from here will determine the very future of humanity and whether we will become an electronic global police state or remain free human beings.

    Remember, it is not up to God to bring us back from the new Dark Age, it is up to us.

    Forewarned is forearmed.

    • Marian, multumim pentru informatie. Extrem de interesanta si instructiva. Am numai o observatie; Chiar daca iti ia mai mult efort, poti imparti postul in „pastile” mai scurte? Lungimea postarii descurajeaza. Asta, evident, daca nu afecteaza coerenta si continuitatea continutului.

      • Multumesc, Adrian! Sincer iti spun ca nici eu nu am inghitit cu placere si nici cu usurinta textul kilometric. Nici nu pot spune ca as sustine chiar tot ce contine textul, am in vedere volumul datoriei unor state. Eu stiam niste cifre, aici am gasit alte cifre. Cu toate acestea, data fiind sensibilitatea temei bilderberg si dat fiind ca am copiat textul de pe o pagina cu un continut pe care il consider avizat, am fortat nota si am insirat totul, asa cum am gasit. Imi doresc sa nu recidivez si mai ales sa nu am motive de a fi tentat. Multumesc tuturor inca odata!
        P.S. Daca tot mi-a revenit curentul la prize, poate aflu ce a fost prin Cipru si prin Siria.
        Doamne ajuta!

        • Si eu iti multumesc, Marian!

          • Va salut pe toti si in primul rand pe Eufrosin, o gazda de reala exceptie!
            Spuneam despre cifre. Inainte de a insira lista a 20 de state plus Romania, am sa spun ca, dupa mine, e util sa luam la cunostinta despre asemenea informatii, neuitand a ramane cu ceva ce numesc drept, necesara retinere. Imi pastrez parerea ca aproape tot ce se publica s-a dorit de catre „cineva” sa se publice si nu a picat din senin pe masa noastra. Totul are un scop, o cauza in jungla informatiei si nu doar. Dumnezeu ingaduie, dar, nimic din ce vedem nu e vesnic.
            Topul statelor cu cel mai mare grad de îndatorare a fost realizat pe baza datelor Băncii Mondiale

            1. Irlanda

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 1.305%
            • datorie externă de 2.250 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 172,5 miliarde de dolari
            • datorie externă pe cap de locuitor de peste 535 de mii de dolari

            2. Marea Britanie

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 428,8%
            • datorie externă de 9.120 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 2.128 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 149 de mii de dolari

            3. Elveţia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 378,6%
            • datorie externă de 1.191 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 314,7 miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 156 de mii de dolari

            4. Olanda

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 369,6%
            • datorie externă de 2.440 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 660 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 145 de mii de dolari

            5. Belgia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 326,7%
            • datorie externă de 1.253 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoare PIB estimată în 2009 este de 383,4 miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 120 de mii de dolari

            6. Danemarca

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 307,3%
            • datorie externă de peste 607 miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 197,8 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 110 mii de dolari

            7. Suedia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 269,7%
            • datorie externă de peste 893 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 331,4 miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 98 de mii de dolari

            8. Austria

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 251,4%
            • datorie externă de peste 809 miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 321,8 miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 98 de mii de dolari

            9. Franţa

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 244,3%
            • datorie externă de peste 5.230 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 2.090 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 79 de mii de dolari

            10. Portugalia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 231,2%
            • datorie externă de peste 535 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 232,6 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 50 de mii de dolari

            11. Hong Kong

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 224,7%
            • datorie externă de peste 678 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 301,8 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 96 de mii de dolari

            12. Finlanda

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 215%
            • datorie externă de 383,7 miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 178,8 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor de peste 73 de mii de dolari

            13. Norvegia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 208,8%
            • datorie externă de 558,4 miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 267,4 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor de peste 119 mii de dolari

            14. Spania

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 176,9%
            • datorie externă de 2.400 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 1.360 de miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 59 de mii de dolari

            15. Germania

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 176,8%
            • datorie externă de 4.970 miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 2.810 miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 60 de mii de dolari

            16. Grecia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 167,2%
            • datorie externă de 557,4 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 333,4 miliarde de dolari
            • datoria externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 51 de mii de dolari

            17. Italia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 141,3%
            • datorie externă de 2.456 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 1.740 de miliarde de dolari
            • datorie externă pe cap de locuitor este de peste 42 de mii de dolari

            18. Australia

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 121,9%
            • datorie externă de 1.037 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 851,1 de miliarde de dolari
            • datorie externă pe cap de locuitor de peste 48 de mii de dolari

            19. Ungaria

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 120,6%
            • datorie externă de peste 224 de miliade de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 186 de miliarde de dolari
            • datorie externă pe cap de locuitor de peste 22 de mii de dolari

            20. Statele Unite ale Americii

            • datorie externă ca pondere din PIB de 98,4%
            • datorie externă de 13.920 de miliarde de dolari
            • valoarea PIB estimată în 2009 este de 14.140 de miliarde de dolari
            • datorie externă pe cap de locuitor de peste 45 de mii de dolari

            Sursă: CNBC, care citează datele Băncii Mondiale.

            Conform celor mai recente date privind datoria externă a României, ţara noastră este foarte departe de a ajunge pe locurile fruntaşe ale acestui top. Acum două luni, nivelul datoriei externe a României era de 73,7 miliarde de euro, conform datelor BNR. Asta înseamnă o pondere de aproape 59% din PIB, respectiv de aproximativ 3400 de euro pe cap locuitor (circa 5.000 de dolari la cursul euro/dolar actual).

            • Mai înainte de toate,că așa e frumos, salutări și urări de bine, sănătate și tot ce-ți mai dorești.Găsisem azi într-un ziar din exterior – METRO- care se distribuie gratuit în mai multe capitale europene un mic articol dedicat lui Obama, care, s-a întâlnit cu ”ortacii” lui (și printre ei se află Nancy Pelosy și ”purtătorul de cuvânt” al Casei Albe) pentru a vedea cum rezolvă cu debitul SUA de aproximativ 14.000 de miliarde de dolari.O rezolvare ”rapidă” doresc ei,ceva la început de august – de văzut cursul pieței financiare – și nu ceva de genul ”rezolvare la termen”.Poate cei de la Banca Mondială nu au trecut la numărătoare și ”calul de sub ei”.

          • Doamne ajuta!
            Iata cum, teoretic, se poate pune problema in tara tuturor foste posibilitati:
            Obama to Stop Social Security Payments August 3 if Budget Impasse Not Resolved!
            Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 if Democrats and Republicans in Washington do not reach an agreement on reducing the deficit in the coming weeks CBS News reported today , Mr. Obama told Pelley „this is not just a matter of Social Security checks. These are veterans checks, these are folks on disability and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out.” CBS News reported , if this really happens it will be a real catastrophe for the millions of poor in the united States who rely entirely on the social security check for survival many of home few years ago believed in the Hope and Change that Obama will bring them , yes this is the Change you get from Obama a change to the worse not for the best ….I do however believe that Obama is just scaring the people kind of testing the masses reaction , the plan is not to cause a revolution the plan is to drag you all to the slaughter with your own consent one after the other , total control total enslavement and FEMA Camps for the very few who will dare to protest …

            Spuneti-mi ca nimic din tabloul asta mizerabil, nu va fi aievea, nici macar in america. Sa aflam despre pensionari asasinati de saracie, nu…

  10. Virgin Mary Appears in Africa : Is it Project Bluebeam?

  11. E în afara ”tematicii” dar e interesant de privit la ”înaintași” :


  12. Why Do Banks Make So Much Money?

  13. Cocaina modifica DNA-ul

    Science – Reuters

    Cocaine and Ecstasy Cause DNA Mutation -Italy Study

    ROME (Reuters) – Cocaine and ecstasy not only cause addiction and raise the risk of cancer but also provoke genetic mutations, Italian scientists said Friday.

    „Cocaine and ecstasy have proved to be more dangerous than we had imagined,” said Giorgio Bronzetti, chief scientist at the National Center for Research’s (CNR) biotechnology department.
    „These drugs, on top of their toxicological effects, attack DNA provoking mutations and altering the hereditary material. This is very worrying for the effects it could have on future generations,” he said.
    The use of ecstasy, a drug popular at all-night dance parties, increased by 70 percent between 1995 and 2000 according to a United Nations (news – web sites) report published in September.
    Ecstasy and amphetamines have overtaken cocaine and heroin as the fastest growing global narcotics menace, the study said.
    The CNR report, which took more than three years to complete, said animal tests had shown a direct relationship between ecstasy and cocaine intake and the effects on DNA.
    „In other words, the longer the time frame of drug consumption, the greater the damage to DNA,” Bronzetti said.

    Does Coca-Cola contain cocaine?
    The coca extract in Coca-Cola contains caffeine. Since 1903, Coca-Cola has gone through great trouble to remove the cocaine from its coca leaves.The current „decocanization” of coca leaves cannotremove all cocaine. However, the amount of cocaine in Coca-Cola is so incredibly minute that is cannot be easily measured, and for all practical purposes, modern Coca-Cola is cocaine-free.

    In the original formula, the natural cocaine content of the coca leaves, and caffeine from kola nuts, provided the drink’s stimulant effect. Shortly after the turn of the century, cocaine was removed from the coca leaves by processing (leaving a physiologically insignificant trace), and the amount of caffeine was reduced. The company’s web site states on this issue that „Coca-Cola does not contain cocaine or any other harmful substance, and cocaine has never been an added ingredient for Coca-Cola”. It should be noted that such a statement is entirely consistent with the presence of cocaine in the coca leaves in the original formulation.

    So, one of the biggest questions has always been ‘Is there cocaine in Coca-Cola?’ The answer is no, and yes. Coke is one of the only companies that uses actual coca leaf extract in it’s formula. Although the cocaine is leached from the leaves by a stringent process, it is impossible to remove every last trace of it. (One wonders where all the cocaine they extract goes to, they must have a HUGE output of this substance, maybe this is why they do so well marketing it?? …Ed.) So it is not hard to form an argument that, Yes, there is cocaine in Coca-Cola. The amount however is so small so as to be negligible. Until 1903, Coke used the full amount of cocaine in it’s coca extract. Since then , Coke has taken great pains to remove it from the coca leaf extract. Still, even before 1903 the amount contained is minimal. There is very little coca extract in Coke (they were even accused of having none!). One analysis put the amount in 28 grams of Coke syrup at 2.6 mg (0.04 grains). In small doses cocaine has about the stimulant effect of a dose of caffeine ten times larger. So the cocaine in an 28 grams of old syrup would have the effect of 26 mg of caffeine, and there is about 60 mg of caffeine in a cup of tea! So, even in old Coke, the stimulant effect would have come from the caffeine, not the cocaine. In modern terms, if a line of uncut cocaine is about 50 mg, then it would take nearly 580g of the old syrup to get the same amount of cocaine. We think someone would get sick from the sugar, phosphoric acid or caffeine before feeling any effects from cocaine, not an efficient way of taking that drug!
    Much to everyone’s surprise, Robert Woodruff lived a long and happy life dying in 1985 shortly before Coca-Cola’s centennial anniversary. His final hours were soured by strong demands from his companions to update Coke’s tried-and-true formula. A tearful and dying Woodruff finally succumbed to the entreaties only to see the new, tastier Coke falling flat. The Americans demanded back what they had been drinking for decades. To bring back their country’s pride and glory. And the good old Coca-Cola returned to stay…

  14. Doamne cate aberatii puteti sustine.Cum sa aiba cola legatura cu cocaina?ati incercat acele aberatii de experimente ca sa le sustineti? mai intai probati si dupa acuzati.Ce inseamna sa n-ai nici o preocupare….

  15. Nu ma prind ce anume nu va convine la Coca-Cola. Eu il folosesc tot timpul cand am de lucru la tabla masinii si nu numai. Mananca rugina imediat si e mai ieftin decat orice alt produs.
    Na ca ei acum viseaza ca produsul lor are nu stiu ce gust divin asta-i alta poveste.

    PS: Pana si balega are gust bun daca ii pui putin zahar.

    • Exact asa faceam si eu, cu tampoanele unui automobil american cu cilindrii cat galetile!
      Dupa ce am bagat de seama ca nu imi face mie bine, am incetat sa mai dau banii pe produs, desi era mai ieftin deca apa,

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